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Die Jahres- und Wochennotizbücher – ab sofort verfügbar – aktuelle Bearbeitungszeit 5-10 Werktage

Standard TN Booklet - Horizontal Weekly - UNDATED


  • Size: 110 mm x 210 mm 
  • Grid Size: 4,00 mm x 4,00 mm
  • Paper: 52gsm Sanzen Tomoe River Paper – white
  • Cover: 200gsm high quality card stock
  • Undated
  • Specials: foiled stamped Cover 
  • Pages: 64
  • stitched binding
  • square corners


  • 1 x blank grid spread: 2 pages
  • 27 x horizontal weekly + grid spread (week on 2 pages)
  • pre-labeled Mon - Sun
  • 7 x blank grid notes pages

Please note: actual printed colors can vary slightly from what's shown on your monitor screen.

For a detailed walk through of the TN Booklets, please check out our YouTube Video.

2nd Quality Items: fully functional with minor errors such as dents; scratches in cover; slightly misaligned pages

ATTENTION: a gap between cover and spine does NOT qualify as a quality issue as it doesn't effect the stability and functionality of the spine at all!

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Ute Meyer
Ohne viel Schnickschnack

Ich bin eigentlich ein Ringbinder Girl aber das ist mein erster Versuch TN auszuprobieren. Bis etz nur das wesentliche gemacht. Die Zeit wird zeigen wie ich zurechtkomme.

Gayla Lain

Amazing planner insert. This is my third inset! Love love them!

Nazim Nakay


Kateřina Dinušová
love it!

This product came in very right time for me as I was sick of cream paper in general. It is also my first time with tomoe river paper and i love it. I would also be interested in plain TN booklets. Hopefully somewhere in the future.

Tracy Kinley
Must Have

I wanted something that was small and compact enough to fit inside my purse. The quality of the product matched the description and I am pleased with my purchase. The only thing I would change about this is having the week follow the month.


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